Jai Sai Master!
In Sri Sai Leelamrutam, we find that Kushabhau, Sathe and Hemadpanth reached a stage where they could be blessed by Sri Shirdi Sai Baba in the best manner, only after they did parayana of Sri Gurucharitra. Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati, Rangavadhuta and Nane Maharaj were all given directions and enabled to receive the blessings of their Guru to become mahatmas, only after they did parayana of this holy book, Sri Guru Charitra. After second avatar of Lord Datta, Sri Nrisimha Saraswati left this world, Namadharaka, who heard about HIS greatness through various leelas performed by the Lord, comes to Sri Kshetra Gangapur. There, Sri Nrisimha Saraswati appears to him as Siddha in his dream. When Namadharaka wakes up, Siddha yogi, appears to him in physical form and recites Sri Gurucharitra to him..
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba told many to follow this process and thus reiterated the point that this is the only way to find a Sadguru. As one reads this holy book, they become aware of dharma and start living in the way. Slowly their yearning becomes so great, that Sadguru comes to him as a mother comes to the child. Then that Sadguru takes the yearning disciple in to HIS fold and takes him in the path of salvation.