Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lifetime Teachings 5- BABA SAYS.....

Jai Sai Master!

Every being coming in to this world, yearns for the best form, a Human Being. That is the only form in which there is a chance of attaining mukthi or crossing the life of Samsara. However, that is possible only with the help of a person who has already attained that state, and who is called Guru.

Finding such Guru is the most difficult task in this world and even if one finds by chance, how do we make use of such person? This is the most important question for which Sri Shirdi Sai Baba gave a simple answer. While many people read Bhagavad Gita, Sri Sai Baba indicated that the sloka 4:34, which has the following meaning. He showed the disciple how to understand the sloka well and how to make use of Guru.

[The broad translation of the above is - It just not enough to simply bow to Guru. The One, who wants to attain mukthi, or realize the TRUTH needs to surrender completely to Guru, which means thinking that the body in totality exists for him alone. The one who surrenders must follow and carry out instructions of Guru with all sincerity and integrity, but not when he feels like doing. As he follows Guru, he tries to learn and clarify his doubts by questioning, only with an aim to attain mukthi.]

This is the only way in which we can achieve the goal comfortably. May we all pray to Sri Sai Master to bless us with the strength and opportunity to serve our Gurus as mentioned above.

Jai Sai Master!!

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