Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Lifetime Teachings 13- SAI MASTER SAYS.....

Jai Sai Master!

One day, suddenly Sri Shirdi Sai Baba indicated to people around to go and pray to the pillar supporting the masjid, Dwarakamai. No one understood the meaning of the same. They said, they would do puja to HIM and not to the pillar. But why did Sri Sai Baba say that? Was there any indication of the same? The explanation is beautifully given by Sri Sai Master as:

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, indicated that the stronger the pillar the better support it can give to the body called Dwarakamai. HE indicated indirectly that the strength to the house comes only through the pillar which is deeply seated in GURU BHAKTHI. HE indicated to all the pillar itself represents Guru Bhakthi and only when it is properly prayed, the disciple will get benefited. 

Sri Sai Master further explains that the body called Dwarakamai, is dependent on the back bone, which supports from the bottom to the neck which represents the GURU who is embodiment of of all spiritual states. When that GURU us prayed and when we surrender to HIM, then the path opens up, giving rise to the Yoga Siddi. This is the way Sri Sai got the siddi and this is what is indirectly mentioned by HIM.

Hence it is not only important to search for a Guru, but prepare ourselves in all respects to surrender to HIM to pray to HIM to get benefited. 

Jai Sai Master!! 

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